The Art of Allowing Personal Empowerment

When you go against your beliefs it can produce quilt.  Guilt awakens your personal subconscious judge, jury and executioner.  Which can create a negative cycle of judgement and punishment – chipping away at your self worth.

The subconscious mind will act accordingly and begin the sabotaging process that prevents you from experiencing the best of good health, happiness and success.  Because in your mind, you don’t deserve it.  Forgiveness is the tool that frees you from the quilt, anger, resentment, hate and other sabotaging behaviors.  Forgiveness allows you to let go of the destructive habit patterns that can destroy your self worth.  Your self worth is your most precious gift, it is how you treat yourself and experience life!  So when you feel worthy and deserving you are going to make good healthy choices in your life.

Do you have any sabotaging behaviors that block you from making good healthy choices?  Do you feel less deserving from experiencing life to it’s fullest?   If you do and want to change, give me a call!

Vicki Harding C.Ht  ~  Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist / Mind Coach ~ 480-510-0781


Change Your Thoughts ~ Change Your Life

Everyone has the ability to attain a vast amount of knowledge through the power of the subconscious mind.  Communicating with your subconscious mind is a good first step in setting a new intention for your life and future.  You can utilize mind/body techniques, such as hypnotherapy to re-program any negative trait, behaviors or habit.  If you consistently program positive thoughts into the computer of our mind and focus on what you want to create, you can re-write new positive, healthy habits and behaviors.  What you want can be planted and cultivated for future growth, creating your goals and dreams.  It first starts in your mind with just a thought!

Hypnosis is the quickest and most successful way into your subconscious mind to make the changes you desire.  Have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 480-510-0781 or email at

Vicki Harding C.Ht

Empowered Driven Life

“What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.”   ~  Plutarch

Are you experiencing life to the fullest?  Is anything blocking your progress or standing in the way of your goals?  Are you aware of any sabotaging behaviors keeping you from true happiness?  Do you dwell in the past and/or have trouble forgiving or moving forward?  Do you ever feel victimized?  Do you feel depressed, lethargic, unmotivated and/or unable to maintain a higher level of success?   Are you dealing with chronic illness or diseases?  Do you struggle with addiction of any kind?  Do you ever feel like you don’t deserve the best life has to offer?  Do you feel stuck?

Well, if you can answer yes to any of the above, you may be suffering from low self worth. Your self worth is the barometer of what you feel about yourself and what you allow into your life.  So with low self worth you sabotage success and abundance.  With a healthy self worth you allow good healthy choices, happiness, success and abundance into your life.

Hypnosis is an amazing tool to help you heal from low self worth.  I would love the opportunity to help you accomplish your goals and dreams to live an empowered driven life that you deserve!  Call me for any questions or to schedule your appointment!

Vicki Harding C.Ht  –  Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Mind Coach


Hypnosis Just For You!

“The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.” ~ Flora Wittemore

As you begin a personal journey to improve your life, to reach your goals and dreams, it’s important to first heal parts of yourself that may be sabotaging your success or blocking your progress.

Without the right tools you may accomplish temporary improvements, but unless you’ve healed the issues within, your chances of lasting success are lessened significantly.  Partially healed issues, which may have sabotaged you in the first place, can return.  And if they return unhealed, it can be with a vengeance.  It’s vitally important to experience complete healing of the issues and fractured parts of yourself, whether you know they exist or not.

Take a moment to survey your life.  If there is a person or situation keeping you angry, sad or depressed?  Those emotions are serving to keep you in a victim state of mind, which continuously blocks growth and positive change.

Hypnotherapy is designed to help you facilitate deep and lasting change at the source (your subconscious mind) the root of every problem.  Hypnosis allows you to clear out outdated, unhealthy and sabotaging issues and behaviors from the cache of your mind. Helping you to get to a place of personal empowerment, where you feel worthy and deserving of the very best, then allowing it all into your life.

Let me be your guide to facilitate change in your life!

Vicki Harding C.Ht ~ Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist ~ Mind Coach

480-510-0781  ~   ~

Your Thoughts

“Change your thoughts, and you can change your world” ~ Norman Vincent Peale

Thoughts are much more powerful than most people might realize.  Every thought triggers a corresponding signal from the brain into the body, which can have a huge impact on the outcome of your life experiences!  You first have to experience a thought before you have an action, and each and every thought you have is either producing a positive reaction within your body, or a negative one.

If you have ever told yourself ‘it doesn’t really matter what I’m thinking, no one can hear me anyway’, you might want to reconsider that belief and challenge it!  YOU always subconsciously hear what you are thinking, even if you aren’t consciously aware of it.  So, throughout any given day you may be inputting vast amounts of negativity into the computer of your brain unless you have a system of checks and balances in place.

You and only you can create true and lasting change in your own life.

Even the hidden or repressed thoughts in your mind can have a huge impact on how smooth or rough your life plays out.  For instance, if you consciously feel valuable, worthy and capable, but a hidden, underlying and opposing belief is stored deep within your subconscious mind, be advised, your subconscious mind will always win.

It’s invaluable to discover your self worth and true thoughts at the subconscious level.  That is where hypnosis can really help you reprogram any negative thoughts, habits and behaviors into good healthy ones.  If you feel that you have been sabotaging yourself in any area of your life, it is a good indicator that you may have some healing to do at the subconscious level.   You can empower yourself to accomplish your goals and dreams when you feel worthy to do so!  Let me help!  Give me a call and we can discuss any questions you may have.  I hope to hear from you soon!

Vicki Harding C.Ht. (Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist ~ Mind Coach)  ~ 480-510-0781 Email:  Website:


“To Succeed, first we must believe we can” – Michael Korda

Your beliefs are one of the main building blocks for your conscious thought and are expressed as your “psychological truth”.  Personal beliefs are often a powerful driving force in life that can serve both a positive and negative role, depending on what the beliefs are and how they are being played out in your life.  Beliefs are developed through experiences, environmental influences, teachings and cognitive thinking and feelings.  Your belief system is impressed by all influences of mind,body and spirit.

Your beliefs are often a combination of the beliefs and values of your parents, teachers, family,friends and clergy.  Although, some people find their own personal beliefs to be in distinct opposition to their upbringing.  Either way, strongly held beliefs help formulate your view of the world, and your judgment of it, as well.

Beliefs give you the conviction of action; they are the expression of your opinions and viewpoints.

Beliefs Exercise:  Take a moment to close your eyes and relax.  Take a few deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Then, identify a few of your strong beliefs.  Are these beliefs your own?  Are they aligned with your true self?  Are they serving to better your life?  Are they creating problems for you?  Are any of your beliefs making you less understanding, compassionate or tolerant of others or yourself?

If you discover any outdated or unhelpful beliefs, you can always change them.  Hypnosis is a wonderful tool to help you re-program any negative thoughts, habits and behaviors into good healthy ones!   Please call if you have any questions or to schedule your appointment.

Vicki Harding C.Ht  ~ Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist ~ Mind Coach

480-510-0781   ~  ~


Are you living your life as a victim or a victor?

A victim is a person who has been attacked, cheated, destroyed, injured, oppressed or harmed by someone or something.  A victim is someone who feels helpless and passive with misfortune, which can turn into anger and depression.  Living your life through the lens of defeat and sadness.

A victor is a person who thinks like a winner, triumphant, defeats adversaries, conqueror of misfortune.  A person who looks at the positive side of everything, overcomes obstacles. looks for better ways of doing things, sees all problems as opportunities to learn.  One who is proactive in making things better.  Being a victor allows you to be grateful, happy, healthier and seeing life through a positive lens.

We all have misfortunes, accidents, and loss, but it is what you do with it – that makes all the difference in how you experience your life.  You can turn misfortune into a learning lesson and use that experience to make you stronger.  It is your choice and your choice only, no matter your life’s position or where you are.

The first step is to identify what you are, a victim or a victor.  Here are most of the red flags to help identify you as a victim:  Anger, rage, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, negativity, jealousy, fears, worries, guilt, pain, addictions, judgemental, sadness, ailments and being destructive.

The second step is to decide if you want to do any healing to overcome your victim-hood?  And if you are ready – you need to accept who you are, release your past by forgiving others and yourself. Forgiveness sets you free to figure out what qualities you want to become, so you can prioritize your plan, creating steps each day to get closer to your goals and dreams. Visualize yourself already there, being the person you want to be, doing the things you want to do and living your life to it’s fullest.  Being a victor has so many rewards:  happiness, inner peace, healthier life, success and abundance of life!

What do you choose?  If you need any help to get to your desired goals, I would  love the opportunity to help you.  Give me a call for any questions you may have or to schedule your appointment.  I hope to hear from you soon!

Vicki Harding C.Ht – Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist – Mind Coach

480-510-0781    ~   ~

The Law of Attraction

“Imagination is everything.  It is the preview of life’s coming attractions” ~ Albert Einstein

The core message of the Law of Attraction is – you create from what you think and what you think you attract into your life.  The Law of Attraction is a powerful universal law and I highly recommend you become acquainted with it.  Because the core message is true and it does work, as long as you feel worthy and deserving.

In order to experience success with the Law of Attraction you need to regularly visualize your goals and dreams as if they’ve already manifested.  However, if you hold any unhealed, strong opposing subconscious beliefs or deep-seated anger, resentment or unforgiveness – any new attempts in creating a better life could very well be sabotaged by your own mind.  You will have to take the process one step further in order to remove and heal the emotional obstacles stored deep in your mind and body.  Then, the Law of Attraction will work for you!

This is where hypnotherapy and healing work comes in.  Utilizing effectvie mind/body tools, you can begin the process of getting into the subconscious mind, to make the needed changes to release, heal and feel worthy of a happy, successful abundant life.  Then you get to create it!

Please call or email if you have any questions or wish to schedule your appointment.  Looking forward to helping you accomplish your goals and dreams!

Vicki Harding C.Ht  ~ Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

480-510-0781  ~  ~

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Our Emotions “Our Feeling Meter”

“Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what you are in the process of becoming.” ~ Ester Hicks

Being aware of your emotions can help enrich your life and make for healthier relationships, choices and outcomes.  Emotions are the indicators of how you feel about something; letting you know exactly what is going on inside of yourself.  If you feel bad or guilty about something, you might experience corresponding feelings of discomfort, sadness and anxiety.  Alternately, when you feel good, you might experience related feelings such as peace, relaxation and calmness.  When you become aware that your emotions and feelings are giving you clues and information on how you are doing in any given moment, you can be in tune with the emotional state of your inner being.

When you become consciously aware and responsible for those feelings, there is so much you can do to effectively create a desired outcome.  I would love to help teach you some great life changing tools and resources to help you overcome any negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors with hypnotherapy.  Hypnotherapy is a wonderful tool for positive change, when you are ready.  Please give me a call for any questions you may have or to schedule your life changing appointment!

Vicki Harding C.Ht ~ 480-510-0781 ~ ~


A Natural High – Positive Self Worth

Seeking out that wonderful, exhilarating feeling of clarity and well-being (a connection to our higher self) is something we all desire. But most of us just don’t know how to achieve it and keep it. We believe we can get it from external sources: wealth, material things, fame, food, having a certain job or education, or even through alcohol and drugs.
But all of the external sources are temporary and most of the time not that fulfilling. So we keep trying to buy more things and do more of the same or try different drugs to achieve that feeling, that high we are searching for. We try to fill that void we feel in ourselves.

Well, the most exhilarating, clearest natural high is having a positive healthy “Self Worth”. You find it within yourself. You don’t have to spend money on it, travel somewhere, get it from taking something, borrow it from someone or take a class. It is right there, right where you are, no matter where you are. It is yours and no one – no one can take it away from you!

You achieve positive self-worth through your belief system. When you live with integrity and good intentions within your belief system you create a healthy self-worth. You need to be aware of the side effects of a good healthy self-worth: Happiness, joy, inner peace, natural high, making good choices, abundance, better health, positive energy, more energy, living a full life, thinking positive, enjoying life, better relationships, good healthy boundaries, feeling worthy and deserving, feeling loved, being grateful, and more. Life is so much better when you feel good about who you are inside!

By Vicki Harding C.Ht  *480-510-0781  *