A Natural High – Positive Self Worth

Seeking out that wonderful, exhilarating feeling of clarity and well-being (a connection to our higher self) is something we all desire. But most of us just don’t know how to achieve it and keep it. We believe we can get it from external sources: wealth, material things, fame, food, having a certain job or education, or even through alcohol and drugs.
But all of the external sources are temporary and most of the time not that fulfilling. So we keep trying to buy more things and do more of the same or try different drugs to achieve that feeling, that high we are searching for. We try to fill that void we feel in ourselves.

Well, the most exhilarating, clearest natural high is having a positive healthy “Self Worth”. You find it within yourself. You don’t have to spend money on it, travel somewhere, get it from taking something, borrow it from someone or take a class. It is right there, right where you are, no matter where you are. It is yours and no one – no one can take it away from you!

You achieve positive self-worth through your belief system. When you live with integrity and good intentions within your belief system you create a healthy self-worth. You need to be aware of the side effects of a good healthy self-worth: Happiness, joy, inner peace, natural high, making good choices, abundance, better health, positive energy, more energy, living a full life, thinking positive, enjoying life, better relationships, good healthy boundaries, feeling worthy and deserving, feeling loved, being grateful, and more. Life is so much better when you feel good about who you are inside!

By Vicki Harding C.Ht  *480-510-0781  *www.hypnosisinarizona.com